Política de envío
Pre-Order Notice for Free Shipping - If you purchase with a pre-order item, your entire purchase will ship together when the pre-order arrives unless your pre-order and in-stock items separately total $99 each. In that case, you will receive free shipping of in-stock items immediately and free shipping again when your pre-order items arrive. If a pre-order item is under $99, it will be set aside and shipped together with your next order, where the total of all items, including the existing pre-order, is over $99.
We strive to provide the best value for your orders. If you have multiple open orders with us, some of which are pre-orders, we will ship out the items we have in stock that total over $99. We will also hold back at least $99 of the product to ensure your pre-orders always meet the free shipping minimum.
Please note that every package under the $99 free-shipping threshold will require a $6 shipping charge to be mailed out.
For International Orders - We have partnered with DHL as our international shipping partner and offer their Express option. At checkout, the total price you see is the price delivered to your door. This price includes all customs fees and taxes, making your international shopping experience hassle-free.